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Import-export strategy to 2020 approved

Date 04/01/2012 - 15:54:00 | 327 views
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According to the 2011 – 2020 goods import and export strategy, which has recently been approved by the PM, total export turnovers in 2020 will triple the 2010 figure, or over US $2,000 per capita.

Goods export is set to grow at 11 - 12% a year in the 2011 – 2020 period, and some 10% from 2021 to 2030.
Trade deficit will have gradually decreased to below 10% by 2015. The trade balance is expected to be achieved by 2020 and the trade surplus, by 2021 – 2030 period.
The country will focus on exporting products in 4 categories, namely fuel and minerals; agriculture, forest and seafood; processed and manufactured industrial products; and new products.
Specifically, the country has set to gradually lower exports of fuel and minerals, especially raw minerals, to 4.4% by 2020 from 11.2% in 2010, and increase the proportion of processed and manufactured industrial goods in export items to 62.9% by 2020 from 40.1% in 2010.
Meanwhile, imports of some goods will be closely monitored to help reduce trade deficit in the long run, and strengthen imports of enviromentally friendly and energy saving high technologies and machinary./.

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