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Report on some emerging issues in agriculture, forestry and fishery in May 2012

Date 04/06/2012 - 16:51:00 | 300 views
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Report of Department of Agricultural Economy – Ministry of Planning and Investment in May 24th 2012.

1. Agriculture
Agricultural production in May mainly focused on taking care of winter-spring rice in the areas of the North and harvesting winter-spring rice and farm produce, sowing seeds of summer-autumn rice in the areas of the South.
Up to May 15, 2012, provinces in the North finished the cultivation of winter-spring rice with the estimated area of 1,156.1 thousand ha, equaling 102.4% of winter-spring crop in 2011. At present, winter-spring rice in the provinces of the Red River Delta begins blossoming; basically, the weather is favourable for plants’ development, as for provinces in the North Central Region, approximately 25 thousand ha of rice incurring local heat during rice in the ear on a large scale in the late April and the early May 5 affected the number of rice in the ear; pests began arising on 56 thousand ha of rice and on rice ranges, mainly sheath blight (nearly 19500 ha); rice blast (13.8 thousand ha); Brown backed rice plant hopper, white back plant hopper harming rice in the ear – milk ripen stage (8440 ha); rice leaf folder, anobium borer lightly harming on late spring rice ranges and on the blossoming rice ranges (7210ha). Some provinces have the area of rice significantly infected by pests including: Ninh Binh (14.8 thousand ha), Bac Giang (nearly 6000ha), Thai Nguyen (5300ha), Nghe An (9400ha). According to the initial assessment, from now to the crop end, if there is not any change, the winter-spring rice productivity of provinces in the North is estimated to reach 62 quintal/ha, down 0.8 quintal/ha (-1.3%) as compared to the winter-spring crop in 2011 due to the above causes. In addition, on some areas of early rice range, when cultivating, it is cold affecting the growth of rice plant, reducing its productivity(Hanoi, Vinh Phuc, Hai Duong); the rice productivity of the whole region is estimated to reach 7,166.4 thousand tons, equaling 98.2% as compared to the winter-spring crop of 2011.
Also up to the middle of May, provinces in the South had 1,908.4 ha winter-spring rice harvested, equaling 96.4% as compared to the same period last year, of which provinces in the Mekong River Delta finished harvesting with their productivity of 10.83 million tons, increasing by 351 thousand tons (+3.3%) in comparison with winter-spring crop in 2011, the highest level up to now thanks to increase in area (+0.8%); productivity (+ 2.5%). Other regions were also harvesting winter-spring rice. Because the weather was favourable, the productivity and yield of most provinces increased relatively: Rice productivity and yield of the South Central Coast Region increased 4.2% and 11.6% respectively; the productivity and yield of the Central Highland region increased 8.2% and 5.2% respectively; the productivity and yield of the North East South Region increased 3% and 7.5% respectively.
Therefore, as estimated, winter-spring rice yield of the whole country reached 20.2 million tons, increasing 427.2 thousand tons (+2.2%) compared to the winter-spring crop in 2011.
Together with harvesting winter-spring rice, provinces in the South had 1,291.7 thousand ha of summer-autumn rice seeded, equal to 103.2% from last year’s same period, of which the Mekong River Delta reached 1,227.3 thousand ha, equaling 106.6%. Currently, summer-autumn rice in 2012 is in ear to blossoming, rice has grown and developed relatively. However, in the month, rains appeared but daily average temperature was high, which partly affects the growth and development of rice plant and rice which was poisoned by organic substance, alum was scattered in some provinces in the Mekong River Delta region (Ben Tre, Tra Vinh, Kien Giang).
In addition to focusing on caring for, harvesting winter-spring rice and cultivating summer-autumn rice, provinces all over the country promoted the cultivation of kinds of cash crop. As of mid-May, the country had 590.9 thousand ha of maize, equaling 87.4%, 92.7 thousand ha of sweet potato, equaling 94.3%; 166.7 thousand ha of peanut, equaling 93%; 58.7 thousand ha of soybean, equaling 50.2%; 519.1 thousand ha of vegetables and bean, equaling 103.4% cultivated from last year’s same period.
- Buffalo and oxen husbandry: According to preliminary figures, as of April 01, 2012, the country had 2.658 thousand of buffalos, down 5.14%; 5.31 million of oxen, down 7% as compared to the time of April 01, 2011. Over the past months, the stocks of buffalo and oxen were not significantly affected by epidemic diseases; however, because the grazing area was narrower and narrower, the eficiency in husbandry was low, the time for recovery of livestock production was slow, so the stocks and buffalo and oxen of the whole country in recent time have tended to gradually decrease. The stock of cows had 158.4 thousand of cows, up 0.88% and had a tendency of increasing the number of heads of cows because milk price was stable, epidemic disease did not occur, raisers made profitable so they invested more. The production of living buffalo  over the past 6 months was estimated to reach 50.4 thousand tons, increasing 3.68%; beef production was estimated to reach 174.8 thousand tons, down 1.54%, milk production reached 204 thousand tons, increasing 14.24%.
- Pig husbandry: Pig raisers were meeting difficulties because input price increased, living pig price was tending to reduce, consumers’ psychology was affected from using lean-making stumulant in pig husbandry and the Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome was scattered in provinces in the whole country, raisers had not been brave in investing in the increase of livestock production. As of April 01, 2012, the whole country had 26.69 million of pigs, increasing 1.49%; the production of living pig over 6 months reached 1.9 million tons, up 4.78% as against the same time of 2011.
- Poultry husbandry: The stock of poultry developed relatively because the avian influenza was controlled and the rotation time was short, so the herd recovery and development were significantly favourable. However, at present, the sunny and hot weather also affected the growth and development of poultry and was a latent risk of spreading epidemic diseases. As of April 01, 2012, all poultries in  the whole country had over 310,7 million, increasing by 5.8%; the production of living poultry was 439.3 thousand tons, up 13.71%; the production of egg reached 4.1 million, increaing 4.63% in comparison with the same time in 2011.
Epidemic disease situation for livestock, poultry
According to the Department of Animal Health, up to May 21, 2012, four provinces all over the country including Dien Bien, Bac Ninh, Quang Ninh and Lai Chau had the Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome not over 21 days, no provinces had the avian influenza and the foot-and-mouth disease not over 21 days.
2. Forestry
In the period of droughty weather condition in almost all regions in the whole country, especially droughty condition in provinces in the Central and Northern Mountainous regions affected forestry production, especially in the Northern region because the afforestation of spring crop was being implemented. Provinces were actively implementing forest fire prevention, as well as continuing to deploy the afforestation of spring crop (Northern provinces); seeding, caring for seedlings and preparing afforestation locations (Southern provinces).
The results of implementing a number of main targets in May were as below: newly concentrated planted forest area was estimated to reach 11.5 thousand ha, equaling 95.8%; the number of dispersed planted trees was 13.1 million (equaling 99.2%); exploited wood production reached 390 thousand m3 (up 12.7%); exploited firewood reached 2.64 million ste (up 2.3%) as against the same period of 2011
Generally in the first 5 months of the year, the concentrated planted forest area was estimated to reach 39.5 thousand ha, equaling 98.5%; the number of dispersed planted trees reached 92.5 million (up 2.3%); exploited wood production reached 1,821 thousand m3 (up 9.9%); exploited firewood reached 12.6 million ste (up 2.4%) in comparison with the same period of 2011.
Due to the influence of the weather condition, many provinces had a high risk of forest fire, especially provinces in the Central and Northern mountainous regions, provinces actively implemented measures for forest fire prevention; however, because people are careless in hunting down or exploiting, collecting forest products in forests, working on the mountain slopes so some places happened forest fire. Damaged forest area in the month was 363.6 ha, of which: fired forest area was 357.3 ha, deforested area was 6.3 ha. Generally in the first 5 months of the year, damaged forest area was 1,164.7 ha, increasing by 3.3 times as against the same period of 2011, of which fired forest area was 1,065.8 ha (increasing by 5.3 times); deforested forest area was 98.9 ha (equaling 64%).
3. Fishery
Fishing production of May was estimated to reach 528.1 thousand tons, up 4,8% from last year’s same period; of which, fish production was estimated to reach 417.8 thousand tons, up 4.2%, shrimp production was estimated to reach 43 thousand tons, increasing by 7 %, other types of aquatic products were estimated to reach 67.3 thousand tons, increasing by 7.7%.
Total aquatic product production in the first 5 months of 2012 was estimated to reach 2,074.5 thousand tons, up 4.3% from last year’s same period; of which, estimated fish production reached 1,598.6 thousand tons, up 3.7%, shrimp production reached 182.7 thousand tons, increasing by 6.6%, other types of aquatic products were estimated to reach 293.2 thousand tons, up 6.5%.
As estimated, aquaculture production in May reached 307.9 thousand tons, increasing by 5.6%. Of which, fish production reached 262.5 thousand tons, up 5%; shrimp production reached 129.6 thousand tons, increasing by 8.4%. In the first 5 months, aquaculture production was estimated to reach 1,014.6 thousand tons, representing a year-on-year increase of 4.8%, of which fish production reached 800.6 thousand tons, up 4.2%, shrimp production reached 129.6 thousand tons, increasing by 7.9%. The aquaculture situation was relatively favourable because the weather and prices were relatively stable for commodities such as sugpo prawn, white leg shrimp, scampi shrimp, undulated surf clam...
Generally, epidemic diseases on shrimps were not significant from last year’s same period; almost all diseased areas were settled in a timely manner. As for Soc Trang, epidemic diseases happened again, although provinces were careful in breeding shrimps, they still caught diseases on the area of 17,000 ha, accounting for 72% of breeding area because the germ of epidemic from the previous year had not been settled thoroughly.
In the month, industrial shrimp breeding areas were in the caring period. Shrimp production was harvested relatively at improved extensive areas with thin catching and additional release: Ca Mau caught 14 thousand tons, representing a year-one-year increase of 20%; Bac Lieu caught 4 thousand tons, increasing by 9%... Tra fish farming met many risks, Tra fish price has not increased again, both pisciculturists and enterprises are facing difficulties. The cause is the lack of capital for enterprises, many inventory items but not exported. Tra fish production of Dong Thap reached 30 thousand tons, increasing 4,6% as against the same period; Can Tho reached 8.1 thousand tons, up 1.3%; An Giang reached 22 thousand tons, down 22%... The raising of other types of fish and aquatic species saw strong growth: the raising of tilapia, latidae, gobiidae… continued to be invested in spread development by farmers in ponds, lagoons, dams, irrigational lakes, dams and rice fields; red fish, grouper, cobia,geoduck clam, undulated surf clam and oyster have farmed in sea waters...; Fish farming in fish cages increased strongly, mainly red fish, goby and snakehead fish in the Mekong River Delta Region...
Aquatic catching
Catching production in May was estimated to reach 220.2 thousand tons, representing a year-on-year increase of 3.8%, raising the exploitation production in the first 5 months of the year to 1,059.9 thousand tons, up 3.1% as compared to the same period last year, of which sea catching gained 996 thousand tons, up 4.2%
The sea weather was relatively favourable, offshore fishing jobs reached relative production with seine net, sweep net, trawl net, drift net, 3 screen, light blind, spike, fishing… with main exploitation objects including tuna, anchovy, scad, rudder fish, hair fish, Indian mackerel fish squid… Although petrol and oil prices increased in March, localities actively implemented Decision No.48/2010/QD-TTg on the policy on petrol and oil support to fishing boats with large output catching on offshore territorial waters and implemented the project on observation by satellite for fishing boats with the output of 90CV and above. On the other hand, the prices of aquatic products increased which created favourable conditions so fishermen trusted in the offshore fishing job. ./.
As of May 15, 2012
As against the same period
1. Winter-spring rice cultivation in the North
1 129.0
1 156.1
2. Summer-autumn rice cultivation in the South
1 251.7
1 319.4
 Of which: the Mekong River Delta
1 150.8
1 227.3
3. Winter-spring rice harvest in the South
1 973.3
1 908.4
4. Cash crop and food crop cultivation
 Of which: - Maize
                  - Sweet potato
                  - Soybean
                  - Peanut
5. Vegetable and bean of kinds cultivation

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