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Functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Department for National Economic Issues

Date 21/03/2024 - 08:54:00 | 158 views
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Decision No. 888/QD-BKHDT dated May 15th, 2023 by the Minister of Planning and Investment.

Article 1. Position and functions

The Department for National Economic Issues is an affiliated unit of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, representing the Minister to perform the state management functions on synthesizing socio-economic development plans and public investments.

Article 2. Tasks

1. Presiding over and coordinating with relevant units:

a) Regarding the socio-economic development plan:

- To guide to build up 5-year and annual socio-economic development plans; synthesize and the national 5-year and annual socio-economic development plans;

- To synthesize, guide, monitor, evaluate and report on the implementation of the national monthly, quarterly, annual, mid-term and 5-year socio-economic development plans;

- To synthesize the main macroeconomic balances of the national economy;

- To draft 5-year and annual socio-economic development plans to report to competent authorities; draft Action Program and Resolution of the Government to implement the 5-year and annual socio-economic development plan after being approved by the National Assembly and other documents and reports as assigned by the Minister;

-  To research and synthesize guidelines, mechanisms, policies, tasks and solutions to direct and manage the implementation of socio-economic development plans.

b) Regarding public investment plans:

- To develop principles, criteria and norms for allocating public investment capital from the State’s budget sources;

- To guide to build up medium-term and annual public investment plans; synthesize and develop the national medium-term and annual public investment plans to report to competent levels;

- To synthesize, monitor, evaluate and report on the implementation of the national annual, mid-term and 5-year public investment plan; To report on detailed capital allocation plan and summarize proposals for transfer and extension of capital plan;

- To synthesize investment capital for development of the whole society and investment capital from the State’s budget by sector and field;

- To synthesize off-planned additional expenditure for the medium-term public investment plan, advance for the annual plans from the central budget for programs, tasks, and public investment projects arising during the year and in the mid-term period;

- To make recommendations on plans to use revenue increase and expenditure decrease of the central budget, including use for investment in key projects;

- To research and synthesize guidelines, mechanisms, policies, tasks and solutions to guide the implementation of public investment plans.

c) Regarding the National Assembly and voters’ works:

- To synthesize and monitor the contents of sessions of the National Assembly, the National Assembly Rewards Committee and National Assembly’s committees;

- To synthesize the contents of answering questions from the National Assembly Representatives, the National Assembly Delegation, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee; Report on the results of the resolution and answering of questions from National Assembly representatives and recommendations from voters; Report on the results of implementation of the National Assembly’s Resolutions on thematic supervision and questioning during the National Assembly’s sessions in the functions, tasks and state management of the Ministry of Planning and Investment;

- To prepare the contents and serve the Minister in contacting voters.

d) Sectorial statistics work: To synthesize statistical information within the state management scope of the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

2. Presiding over and coordinating with relevant units to research and draft legal documents and guidance documents in the fields in charge.

3. Acting as a focal point to synthesize public investment plans of the President’s Office, Government Office, National Assembly Office, Party Central Committee Office, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government Inspectorate, Central Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front, Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises and the fields of operation of state management agencies and public non-business units, political organizations and socio-political organizations, projects of new purchasing, building and renovation of workplaces, housing renovation and upgrading, equipment purchase for Vietnam’s representative agencies abroad.

 4. Presiding over making recommendations on national planning prepared and adjusted by ministries and ministerial-level agencies.

5. Presiding over appraising investment policies for projects assigned to ministries, ministerial-level agencies, and other central agencies under the authority approval and decision by Prime Minister.

6. Presiding over and coordinating with relevant units to codify and consolidate legal documents in the fields in charge by the Department according to regulations.

7. Presiding over and coordinating with relevant units to synthesize contents to serve Ministry leaders in regular Government press conferences.

8. Managing civil servants and assigned assets according to the provisions of law and the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

9. Carrying out other tasks as assigned by the Minister.

Article 3. Organizational structure

The Department for National Economic Issues has one Director General and some Deputy Directors General; The Department for National Economic Issues works under the Leader mode and Specialist mode.

- The Department for National Economic Issues has the following functional divisions.

1. Division of General Affairs and Public Investment

2. Division of General Industry economics and Society

3. Division of General Macroeconomics

The Department for National Economic Issues’ staffing is decided by the Minister. Director General of the Department for National Economic Issues decides to assign divisions to ensure the criteria for establishing the divisions according to regulations.

Article 4. Enforcement

This Decision comes into force since the date of signing and replaces the Decision No. 1865/QD-BKHDT dated December 21st, 2017 by Minister of the Ministry of Planning and Investment on functions, tasks and organizational structure of the Department for National Economic Issues.

Article 5. Implementation responsibility

Director General of Department of Organization and Personnel, Chief of the Ministry Office, Director General of Department for National Economic Issues and the heads of units and organizations under the Ministry are responsible for implementing this Decision./.




(Signed and sealed)


Nguyen Chi Dung

MPI_ QĐ 888 Department for National Economic Issues.pdf Tải về

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