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Deputy Minister Tran Quoc Phuong receives UNICEF Representative in Vietnam

Date 17/07/2024 - 14:42:00 | 130 views
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(MPI) - Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Tran Quoc Phuong hosted a reception for Representative of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Vietnam Rana Flowers on July 17, who came to bid farewell at the end of her tenure.

At the reception. Photo: MPI

Deputy Minister Phuong praised Rana’s significant efforts and contributions in the protection and promotion of the rights of Vietnamese children during her tenure, especially amid complicated COVID-10 period. The close partnership between the United Nations (UN) agencies and the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) also contributes significantly to implementing sustainable development goals, poverty reduction and socio-economic development of Vietnam.

The deputy minister stressed that the Government of Vietnam always pays attention and gives priority to the protection, care, and education of children, as well as integrates policies of poverty reduction and taking care of ethnic minority children into developing national target programmes for the new period. He expressed his hope that UNICEF and Rana personally, will continue keeping tabs on and assisting Vietnam’s implementation of development goals and priorities.

Rana, for her part, expressed her impression of and commended the socio-economic achievements that Vietnam has made, especially in implementing priority policies related to child care and protection. The organisation always attaches importance to its partnership with Vietnam, and will continue supporting the nation’s implementation of priorities in this field.

She spoke highly of the ministry’s close collaboration with the UNICEF in the recent time, describing it as a proof of the increasingly tight cooperation between the two sides.

UNICEF will continue assisting Vietnam to realise its sustainable development goals and promote cooperation with the MPI for an effective implementation of ODA projects. Rana said that the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam-UNICEF partnership will be a milestone to set out directions for cooperation in the new period./.

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